Friday, 19 February 2010

19 months old

I usually give Justin a bowl of fruit when I get home so that I can make supper in peace and he usually sits in his chair and watches his show. Today, I just gave him his snack and didn't set up his chair or anything. When I came to check on him, he was sitting like this. He dragged his chair to its usual spot and sat down. It was really cute and he is growing up so fast. He is starting to understand everything!

This is how Justin spends the first half hour when we get home- a hat on his head and someone's toothbrush in his mouth. All while watching Cornemuse.

Justin sporting his John Deere t-shirt.

Justin turned 10 months old this week and I got a few pictures of him throughout the week.

Zoo de St. Félicien

A little snack before heading home.

We were on our way out and walked by the bears and they were in the water. They were putting on a show for us and playing with us. Justin was very excited.

There was a maze for kids and the maze ended with a slide. Justin loves slides and was ecstatic. Need less to say, there were a few tears shed when it was time to go. After the first time, he went up and down by hinself.

Justin was a liottle scared at he beginning but quickly got the hang of feeding the animals.

Justin seemed impresses with the baby camel. The camel kept trying to lick us.

Here are a few pics of us on the train. Justin has been saying choo choo since we went there. He really enjoyed the 40 minute train ride.

We went to the Zoo last weekend and Justin had a blast. It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day and we were able to spend the whole afternoon outside. Here are a few pics (Ka you can stop complainig now!!!).

Sunday, 7 February 2010


A little tumble in the fresh snow. He wasn't happy.

Yogi was excited about his walk too. We were in the woods so he was loose.

Happy as can be.

It was snowing today so we went out for an hour. The fresh snow was awesome.

Justin likes to wear hats around the house. Today, he grabbed mine and was waling around the house saying chapeau. He thought the whole thing was hilarious.

On Friday, Zacahary came over for supper and the boys had a lot of fun playing together. There werer toys everywhere!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Being silly

The daycare called me today to come and pick Justun up because he had fallen and had 2 huge bumps on his head. He seemd okay and slept for a few hours. I brought my class mascot home to be washed and Justin found him as I was taking him out of the dryer. For the next hour, he didn't let Coco go and carried him around everywhere-even on his truck!