Monday, 3 August 2009

Nova Scotia

Nanna and Pappy went for a walk with the kids when we went to Hubbards Beach. They haven't had much of a summer in Nova Scotia either and the beach was packed!

Justin didn't like the ocean much either because of the loud noise of the waves and prefered to sit and play in the sand.

We went to visit Sharon at the cottage one night. It was another beautiful day so we were able to go swimming in the lake. Justin actually enjoyed it this time! Here he was spending a special moment with Chloe and Auntie.

Justin was much happier when Pappy was pushing him in the swing!

Nope, it's not going to work Pappy!

The weather was beautiful all week and we got to the water many times. On Sunday, we went to Kearney Lake (where we sepnt a lot of time as kids). Justin usually loves the water but wasn't so enthusiastic about the lake when Pappy took him in.

Here's a cute picture of Justin and his great grand-father.

Oh yes, Ka and I had the brilliant idea of going to Nova Scotia ( a 12 hour trip) with Nanna and Pappy with all 3 kids in one car! Sometimes, I wonder about the things we decide to do! We survived. The kids were actually awesome in the car and didn't say a word. Once we got there, things went downhill. Our kids were out of their element and not always on their best behavior! I understood that routine is really, really, really important! Justin cried more than I've ever heard him cry and Jayden and Chloe wouldn't sleep so we had our hands full! It's a good thing we had Nanna and Pappy to help us out with kids when they were around!

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